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Non-profits & Charity
Nonprofit and charity fundraising can be easy and effective! Innovative social fundraising for projects, events, causes, programs or other good works. Create a fundraiser in minutes to reach new supporters and turn fans into fundraisers.
Support Tsuru for Solidarity!
by Tsuru for Solidarity
Tsuru for Solidarity was founded by Japanese American social justice advocates and allies to oppose state violence, foster intra- and cross-community healing. Rooted in the legacy of the Japanese American incarceration, we say, "Stop repeating history."
Support Your Neighbors in Need!
by Project Homeless Connect
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at @PHCSF !
Yes! I support Regeneración- Pájaro Valley Climate Action!
by Regeneración
Regeneración was founded in early 2016 through a series of conversations with community leaders. These conversations illuminated the need for a climate justice organization in Watsonville; Regeneración has emerged to address this need.
North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance
by North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance
NAPSA is an alliance of ten of the leading primate sanctuaries who care for over 800 primates - including close to 700 chimpanzees - rescued and retired from laboratory research, entertainment, and private ownership.
Stand with Vision Zero: Safe Mobility for All
by Vision Zero Network
Each day, 115 people are killed on our streets, sidewalks and bikeways in this nation. They are sons and daughters, parents, grandparents, friends … people we love. The truth is: We can prevent these tragedies. Please join us in making change.
El/La Para TransLatinas Donation Page
by El/La Para TransLatinas
We work to build a world where translatinas feel they deserve to protect, love and develop themselves. Buscamos crear un mundo en el cual nosotras las translatinas sentimos que merecemos protegernos, amarnos y desarrollar nuestras personas.