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Support Trail Mixed Collective
by Trail Mixed Collective
Women of color are deeply underrepresented in the outdoors as a result of a laundry list of unique barriers. We exist to climb those walls together, and build the next generation of women outdoors. What started as a mentorship project became a larger i...
Help the Empowerment Congress educate, engage and empower LA County communities!
by Empowerment Congress
The Empowerment Congress (EC) is a distinctive and deliberate model of civic engagement built on the core principles of participatory democracy, reciprocal accountability, and intentional civility.
Libros Schmibros General Fund
by Libros Schmibros Lending Library
Boyle Heights is a book desert. There and elsewhere, Libros Schmibros puts good books into all hands, native and immigrant, Eastside and West, upholding literature as the brainstem and backbone of a democratic republic. We are a Boyle Heights-based ...
MENTOR California Donation Page
by MENTOR California
Vision Every young person in California has the supportive relationships they need to grow and develop into thriving, productive and engaged adults. Mission MENTOR California’s mission is to fuel the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships for Cal