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Support Your Neighbors in Need!
by Project Homeless Connect
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at @PHCSF !
Yes! I support Regeneración- Pájaro Valley Climate Action!
by Regeneración
Regeneración was founded in early 2016 through a series of conversations with community leaders. These conversations illuminated the need for a climate justice organization in Watsonville; Regeneración has emerged to address this need.
Help the Empowerment Congress educate, engage and empower LA County communities!
by Empowerment Congress
The Empowerment Congress (EC) is a distinctive and deliberate model of civic engagement built on the core principles of participatory democracy, reciprocal accountability, and intentional civility.
Libros Schmibros General Fund
by Libros Schmibros Lending Library
Boyle Heights is a book desert. There and elsewhere, Libros Schmibros puts good books into all hands, native and immigrant, Eastside and West, upholding literature as the brainstem and backbone of a democratic republic. We are a Boyle Heights-based ...
Inspire, Support, and Celebrate the Next Generation of Architects
by The Paul R. Williams Scholarship and Education Fund
Named for trailblazing architect Paul R. Williams, FAIA, the Paul R. Williams Scholarship & Education Fund was created to inspire, support, and celebrate young people pursuing careers in architecture.