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Get Your Magical US-RSE Unicorn - Edition 2025!
by The United States Research Software Engineer Association
The 2025 US-RSE magical unicorns have officially arrived! They came as a herd, just like how research software engineers come together to build a stronger community. These unicorns are ready to set off on their own journey to YOU!
Yes! I support Regeneración- Pájaro Valley Climate Action!
by Regeneración
Regeneración was founded in early 2016 through a series of conversations with community leaders. These conversations illuminated the need for a climate justice organization in Watsonville; Regeneración has emerged to address this need.
Support Tsuru for Solidarity!
by Tsuru for Solidarity
Tsuru for Solidarity is a nonviolent, direct action project of Japanese American social justice advocates working to end detention sites and support front-line immigrant and refugee communities that are being targeted by racist, inhumane immig...
Support Trail Mixed Collective
by Trail Mixed Collective
Women of color are deeply underrepresented in the outdoors as a result of a laundry list of unique barriers. We exist to climb those walls together, and build the next generation of women outdoors. What started as a mentorship project became a larger i...
Bringing hope to mothers laid off pregnant or postpartum
by The Labor Club
The Labor Club empowers expecting and new mothers who have experienced involuntary job loss to return to the workforce with confidence. Your support powers programming, career coaching, research, and financial support to women who need it most.