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Stand with Vision Zero: Safe Mobility for All
by Vision Zero Network
Each day, 115 people are killed on our streets, sidewalks and bikeways in this nation. They are sons and daughters, parents, grandparents, friends … people we love. The truth is: We can prevent these tragedies. Please join us in making change.
El/La Para TransLatinas Donation Page
by El/La Para TransLatinas
We work to build a world where translatinas feel they deserve to protect, love and develop themselves. Buscamos crear un mundo en el cual nosotras las translatinas sentimos que merecemos protegernos, amarnos y desarrollar nuestras personas.
Help the Empowerment Congress educate, engage and empower LA County communities!
by Empowerment Congress
The Empowerment Congress (EC) is a distinctive and deliberate model of civic engagement built on the core principles of participatory democracy, reciprocal accountability, and intentional civility.
Resilience Together Campaign: Building Strength Through Community
by Milton Marks Family Camp
As the year comes to a close, we invite you to join us in supporting the Milton Marks Family Camp through our Resilience Together Campaign! This is not just a fundraiser; it’s a chance to make a lasting impact on the lives of families facing one of the...
Donate to Save Lives Today!
by SF Hep B Free - Bay Area
Our Mission is to increase awareness and education about Hepatitis B within the community and among health care providers, to increase access to affordable testing and vaccination, and provide linkage to care for chronically affected individuals.