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Non-profits & Charity
Nonprofit and charity fundraising can be easy and effective! Innovative social fundraising for projects, events, causes, programs or other good works. Create a fundraiser in minutes to reach new supporters and turn fans into fundraisers.
Become a Hep B Hero and Save a Life — It's The Easiest New Year's Resolution!
by SF Hep B Free - Bay Area
Make it a resolution to become a Hep B Hero this New Year's and save lives at the same time! By donating and helping fund tests to prevent hepatitis B—the leading cause of liver cancer worldwide—you can start the year off with your BEST foot forward!
Nevada Clinicians for Climate Action Donate Page
by Nevada Clinicians for Climate Action
Replace this story with your own At [Organization Name], we're on a mission to improve the lives of those in need. With your support, we can create [insert here]. Every day, we see the impact of our [insert here] on individuals and families. From ...
Heather's Birthday Fundraiser for Milton Marks Family Camp: Resilience Together
by Milton Marks Family Camp
This is my 10th year as Assistant Director for this amazing organization. Help me celebrate my birthday and my 10th year with camp by donating to support families coping with a parent's brain tumor! Milton Marks Family Camp is a free annual weekend ca...
Resilience Together Campaign: Building Strength Through Community
by Milton Marks Family Camp
As the year comes to a close, we invite you to join us in supporting the Milton Marks Family Camp through our Resilience Together Campaign! This is not just a fundraiser; it’s a chance to make a lasting impact on the lives of families facing one of the...
Bringing hope to mothers laid off pregnant or postpartum
by The Labor Club
The Labor Club empowers expecting and new mothers who have experienced involuntary job loss to return to the workforce with confidence. Your support powers programming, career coaching, research, and financial support to women who need it most.
Support Salinas Community Science Workshop put tools in kids' hands!
by Salinas Community Science Workshop
The SCSW is a community space filled with the tools and materials of science; a science education resource available to students, teachers, and families, interested in learning by exploring and tinkering with real stuff!