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Get Your Magical US-RSE Unicorn - Edition 2024!
by The United States Research Software Engineer Association
Remember the magical unicorns we handed out at the first ever US-RSE conference last year in Chicago? If you were there, you'll know that our community is full of unicorns – and we're back with a charming edition for 2024! Each unicorn comes dressed in...
Donate to CPCIDD
by California Policy Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The Center is dedicated to improving the lives of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), through greater access to employment, affordable housing, community enrichment and equity in access to services.
2022 Elevate Future Healthcare Leaders!
by Pre-Health Dreamers
Empower the next generation of healthcare professionals. Your contribution will enable PHD to provide guidance, advising, networking, community building, programming and institutional advocacy that supports pre-health undocumented students.
Help Farms, Help Our Planet
by The FruitGuys Community Fund
Help Farms, Help Our Planet! Small Farms are critical partners of the environment with a special role in its stewardship and as agents of climate stabilization. Please donate to provide grants for 2022 sustainability projects. #SmallFarmsBigImpacts